Simple and Effective Strategy Execution

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“Aside from his immense experience in the setting of strategic direction for our company, it was his ability to simplify what was a hugely daunting task and one that we had delayed for too long.

His genuine interest in getting to the root cause of our problems is appreciated and I have no hesitations in recommending him to other companies who are yet to really get their strategy right.“.


Ashley Bacon – CEO, Kalyx Australia

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Business Outcomes

What’s the bottom line for your organization?

It would seem obvious to say that executing your strategy is essential. But research shows that this is precisely where things come unstuck.

The questions addressed in this workshop include:

  • Have you tried to do too much in the past?
  • Have you been designing real actions and an action plan?
  • Have you lacked someone in charge of monitoring progress?
  • Have you tried to track progress through normal meetings?

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Learning Outcomes

By attending you’ll receive a series of practical tips, suggestions, ideas and methods. Dr Graham Kenny brings to these sessions what he has learned as a manager, CEO, company director, university professor, consultant and regular author in the Harvard Business Review. He has packaged his approach as a simple and effective method called the Strategic Factor System.

You’ll leave knowing you’ve heard the right stuff from a thought leader and subject expert.


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Online Workshop Duration

This interactive, online workshop will be customised to your specific needs. You may wish your team to attend a one-hour session. On the other hand you may require a longer program. The choice is yours.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.


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Target Audience

All managers interested in boosting their business unit’s or organisation’s performance.

The practical and proven methods can be applied to any group, organisation or sector. Businesses, government enterprises and agencies as well as not-for-profit organisations will benefit greatly from these practical and proven methods.

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